The UCC Board

Michael Dury
Founder & Treasurer

Stephen Dunn

Allen Walcoff
Vice President

John Leo
Trail Development Coordinator – West

William (Bill) Nierstedt
Trail Development Coordinator –

Ellen Margarita
Web Designer
The UCC Story

Michael Dury
Founder & Treasurer,
Union County Connects
As an outdoor enthusiast, and advocate of safety, he co-founded Union County Connects. His love of nature and exploring outdoors motivates his advocacy for safe traveling networks and environmental awareness. His travels include biking, walking, hiking, and kayaking. To see his outdoor adventures and learn about our local trails and waterways – follow his YouTube Channel!

Stephen Dunn
Union County Connects
Stephen is known to many as “The Biking Firemen”. He is a City of Elizabeth fireman and fiercely committed to never drive a car to the firehouse. His experience as a first responder, combined with his dedication to active transportation, has taught him the importance of safe walking and biking networks. After being seriously injured when a driver cut him off while riding to work, he recognized a regional advocacy void and co-founded Union County Connects.

Allen Walcoff
Vice President,
Union County Connects
Al has been involved with building trails since the early 2000s. He was part of a movement to have inactive rail lines converted to trails but the effort was put on hold because of the unfortunate 9/11 event. He is excited to be back to advocate for Rail-Trails and bring improved landscape infrastructure into Union County. He appreciates how trails will provide future generations with a safe network to explore Union County. With his deep knowledge of music and arts, he will help incorporate these elements into the trails.

John Leo
Trail Development Coordinator – West,
Union County Connects
John is a conservationist who is dedicated to protecting forests and building a sustainable environment. He channels his enthusiasm by volunteering on the Berkeley Heights Planning Board and Environmental Commission. John is also a pilot and often travels to places with a decent layover until he flies home. During these layovers, he doesn’t have a car so he becomes an avid walker/biker. He sees many places with varied approaches to their transportation networks. With all this knowledge, he is strong advocate for safe walking and biking trails.

William (Bill) Nierstedt
Trail Development Coordinator – East,
Union County Connects
Bill was previously the City of Plainfield Administrative Officer for the City Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment and Historic Preservation Commission. Currently, he is the Garwood Shade Tree Officer, a member of their Green Team, and on the board of the NJ Clean Water Action. He is passionate about building a sustainable future and feels this includes alternative transportation pathways for walking and biking. He played a crucial part in planning the Green Brook Multi-Use Trail. He is also a dedicated advocate for converting inactive railroad lines into safe trails.

Ellen Margarita
Web Designer,
Union County Connects
As a Girl Scout Leader and Service Unit Manager for Roselle Park, Ellen loves to create partnerships with local civic groups to make impactful experiences for the scouts in her town. She lives by one of the Girl Scout laws: “Make the world a better place.” She is currently a member of the Roselle Park Environmental Commission and is excited to be on the team of Union County Connects. She is dedicated to making the world a better place for our next generation by enriching school events, connecting children to gardening, and advocating for improved ways for our children to walk or bike while feeling safe.
The UCC Trailblazers
Jeff Grob Licensed Landscape Architect | Maureen Kehoe Lawyer | Sal Garcia Owner, Vintage City Offices | Daniel Mazza Engineering, Summer Intern |
Rafael Simancas Cultural Events Coordinator | Kevin Buckley Accountant, CPA | Yarrow Willman-Cole Public Relations | Heather Wetzel Landscape Architect, Summer Intern |
Barbara Roche Event Staff | Brian Rosener Event Staff | Finnegan Sezer Events Staff | Holly Nelson Communications, Summer Intern |
Patricia Gigon Grant Advisor | Loretta Wish Grant Writer | Fred Wish Grant Writer | Jacki Dickert Photographer |
John Campbell Trail Amenities Coordinator | Jacqueline Lombardo Map Designer | Arnulfo Toro Certified Permaculture Gardener | Lois Lanza Risk Advisor |
Mike Kruimer Chairman, NJ Committee East Coast Greenway | Anne Kruimer Chairwoman, NJ Committee East Coast Greenway | Richie King President, Tri-State Railway Historical Society |