

September 2024Saturday
Roselle Park Arts FestivalThe Roselle Park Arts Festival is an annual celebration of art in all its various forms, taking place in downtown Roselle Park.
12pm – 7pmChestnut Street (Clay Ave to Charles St)


What a beautiful day today – the weather was crisp, the sun was shining and there was a nice breeze! As I passed through Cranford on my way to Westfield to attend this event, I saw a sign that said “It’s a good day to have a good day.” And that was a perfect sentiment for the day. There were over 150 bikers from Westfield who came to have their bike tuned, ride with fellow local families and enjoy the music & entertainment. So many people stopped to ask about our cause and everyone agreed – we NEED bike lanes and more trails connecting Union County!!! Please spread the word and join our mailing list!

Saturday, July 13th, 2024, nearly 100 friends and supporters of Union County Connects gathered in rainy weather to see the unveiling of a beautiful mural to the Rahway Valley Railroad.

Masterfully crafted by @distoart, the mural honors the history of Roselle Park as a critical piece of transportation infrastructure is set to be transformed from a rail to a trail through a $1.5 million TAP Grant.

The coming trail will improve the lives of the community through safe and equitable access to mobility options.

Monday, June 25th, 2024 was a wonderful and meaningful day. Stephen received a call the day before from the guardians of the @eastcoastgreenway, Mike & Ann Kruimer, informing him that a group of bike riders would be passing through Elizabeth for their @911trail ride. Stephen was able to work with the Elizabeth Fire Department (Chief Atienza and Vignali) and Councilwoman Perkins to escort the riders through the Elizabeth City while stopping at both the City 9/11 memorial and the department memorial at our headquarters.

Thank you to all of you for supporting Stephen’s crazy dreams of riding his bike everywhere and connecting us all by trail!

Great time today at the first annual Tour de Roselle Park and 3rd annual Bike Clinic at the Roselle Park Gazebo. More people on bikes and more safe routes to destinations for those traveling outside of vehicles is a win for everyone!

We can have a County Connected by Trails!

Union County Connects had such an inspiring and successful Trails Day! We partnered with Tom Sexton again from the Rails to Trails Conservancy, and were honored to have
Mike & Anne Kruimer from the East Coast Greenway Alliance and Richard King from the
Tri-State Railway Society to help us encourage the conversion of inactive railways into safe trails.

What a great turnout! Several local civic groups showed up to support the walk – the Freewalkers, Ride Pedal Movement, Roselle Park Girl Scouts, as well as elected officials from two neighboring towns! We had such an inspiring walk and then we celebrated afterwards at Two Ton Brewery with amazing music by Richard DiPaola & Friends and delicious food from local restaurants.

2023 Events

UCC Bike Ride through Roselle Park – Facebook post

Union County Connects lead an enjoyable ride through Roselle Park, Kenilworth, and Cranford towns and made their way cycling along the East Coast Greenway.

Be sure to join us next year for this fun and scenic course.

Roselle Park Arts Festival

Union County Connects was able to catchup with some Roselle Park councilmen and update them about the latest progress with Rail-Trails advocacy. UCC also provided a Tie-dye station for kids and adults to have fun while learning about the projects we are promoting. People took home a colorful UCC shirt so they can represent our cause!

Cleanup the Elizabeth River Trail – Facebook post

Union County Connects helped the City of Elizabeth and Groundworks Elizabeth with cleaning up litter along the Elizabeth River Trail. Join the effort every year and help make a difference.

Walk the East Coast Greenway – Facebook post

Union County Connects offers informative and fun hikes along the East Coast Greenway! You and your group can learn about how the inactive Rahway Valley Rail line can connect to the East Coast Greenway and create a safe trail network for Union County.

Tour de Westfield Webpage

Ride your bicycles with the Westfield Police Department on a family-friendly 2-mile bike ride. This ride is suitable for anyone that can ride a bike (registration is required).
Union County Connects was there to educate bicyclists about Rail-Trails and bike safety!

🎥 Check out this video of Michael’s point of view during the tour! 🎥

Garwood Rocks Street Festival

For the Garwood Street fair, Union County Connects partnered with the Garwood Green Team to promote awareness about Rail-Trails. It was nice to be included with the Green Team and help advocate for more sustainable solutions for our planet!

Tour de Elizabeth 2023 Press Release

This 15-mile recreational ride welcomes everyone to wind their way through Elizabeth. Join waves of cyclists as they take over with the help of Elizabeth Police and glide through roadways typically dominated by vehicles. The tour takes you passed historic sites, the picturesque Warinaco lake and then through the industrial seaport section.

🎥 Michael View Cycling Through Community Spirit 🎥

Union County Connects partnered with Tom Sexton from the Rails to Trails Conservancy to encourage alternative transportation campaigns. Tom helped to kickoff the event. UCC guided participants through the trail and around the East Coast Greenway to end with a party at Two Ton Brewery. Be sure to join us every year for this fun and impactful event!

🎥 Tom Sexton starts the event 🎥